Saturday, May 11, 2019

What Wednesday Addams Really Looked Like

Wednesday Addams is often recreated by her admirers in a short black dress with contrasting pilgrim-style collar and cuffs, lace-up booties, and red lipstick . Although these assumptions are not drastically far from the first Wednesday Friday Addams, featured below are Charles Addams' original illustrations.

Wednesday Addams Cartoon
With button boots and ribbed tights, Wednesday's attire is typical of a small child at that time. 

Addams Family Cartoon
In most colored illustrations, Wednesday's dress is green. Sometimes, it is colored similarly to her mother's.

Wednesday Addams Cartoon

Wednesday Addams Cartoon

Wednesday Addams Cartoon

Wednesday Addams Cartoon
Even in black-and-white drawings, her outfit is often tainted lighter than Morticia's (suggesting lighter than black).

Wednesday Addams Cartoon

Wednesday Addams Cartoon

Wednesday Addams Cartoon

Wednesday Addams Cartoon

Addams Family Cartoon

Addams Family Cartoon
Although there are no drawings where her hair is clearly divided in braids, it does seem split. The Aboriginals Wednesday Addams doll which came out in the early sixties (possibly before the TV series aired) featured two braids and a greenish/gray dress.

Whatever the color, boots, or hair, the character seems to live on in the hearts of many.